On the 14th of May 2014, Ed Winters was scrolling the BBC news when the headline Hundreds of chickens killed in M62 lorry crash grabbed his attention. He clicked on the article and was stunned to read that 1,500 chickens had been killed in a truck crash, with many of those chickens being killed from being run over by cars as they wandered out into the road.
As well as those who had died, there were hundreds more chickens with broken wings and bones, their bodies crushed and twisted. Ed thought to himself about how much pain these animals must be in, and about how much they were suffering. And then it dawned on him. The animals we eat have the capacity to suffer, and therefore they wish to live a life free from suffering. His mind went to the fridge, inside which was a leftover KFC from his dinner the previous night.
And so in that moment Ed faced an ultimatum, does he continue living in a way that causes suffering to animals and takes their life from them, or does he live in alignment with the values of being against animal cruelty and unnecessary suffering that like everyone, he said he had?
In early 2016, Ed set up his YouTube channel, where he began uploading streets interviews with members of the public on the ethics of eating animals. In the same year, he also co-founded the animal rights organisation Surge, as well as The Official Animal Rights March, a global event which succeeded in a growth from 2,500 participants in London in 2016 to 41,000 participants across the world in 2019. Ed continues to be the co-director of Surge, with the organisation focusing on creating short film productions.
Just over a year after co-founding Surge, he released the documentary Land of Hope and Glory, which served as a conclusive exposé of UK land animal farming. Ed quickly began touring UK universities to screen the documentary to students, where he also began giving speeches after the screening.
His university speech “You Will Never Look at Your Life in the Same Way Again” which has been given to thousands of students across UK universities, went viral in early 2018 and to date has 35 million accumulative views online.
Regularly lecturing on animal ethics and the environment, Ed has spoken at over 1/3 of UK universities and at every Ivy league college, including as a guest lecturer at Harvard University between 2019 and 2023. He has given speeches across the world, including at the University of Cambridge, EPFL, LinkedIn, American Express, Pinterest, Google NYC, Google Ireland and Google Zürich. Ed has additionally given three TEDx talks, surpassing a total of 2.5 million views online.
Ed has debated numerous times on live television and radio, and has been featured on the BBC, ITV, LadBible and GB News.
In addition to his work surrounding content creation, debates and public speaking, Ed also opened Unity Diner in 2018, a non-profit vegan restaurant in London where the profits go directly back into helping animals.
In December 2020 Ed announced that he and his team had founded Surge Sanctuary, a forever home for abused and unwanted animals on an 18 acre site in the rural midlands of England. There are currently over 100 rescued animals living their lives in peace and safety at Surge Sanctuary, including mother cows and calves who have been rescued from the dairy industry, as well as Matilda the pig and her babies.
In 2021, Ed wrote his debut book This is Vegan Propaganda (And Other Lies the Meat Industry Tells You), which was published by Penguin Random House on January 6th 2022, becoming an instant best-seller. That same year Ed also co-founded The No Catch Co, an ethical vegan company taking on the traditional model of a British fish and chip shop, with the first location opening in Brighton, England. In 2022, Ed announced that he had begun teaching at Harvard University as a Media & Design Fellow for the fall semester.
In 2023 and 2024 Ed toured internally giving lectures, hosted a Think Inc. event with the globally renowned philosopher Peter Singer, gave a third TEDx talk and won a Webby People’s Voice Award for his short film Milk. He also wrote his second book How to Argue With a Meat Eater (And Win Every Time), which was published by Penguin Random House on December 28th 2023. The new and updated paperback edition was published on December 19th 2024. In 2024 Ed also released a new animated film entitled Matilda and the Brave Escape, narrated by Bella Ramsey.